
The power of reiteration is based on a simple principle: there is nothing more able to channel the attention than rituals. We experience this fact daily, even if we do not realize it. The stability of the world in which we live is actually based on this principle.

The entirety of our habits, beliefs, the repetition of behavioral, thought, and emotional patterns, they all are ritual acts performed precisely to maintain the current alignment, the stability of the human inventory. Certainly, the deconstruction of all this is mainly a matter of stalking. However, the practical application of reiteration, in the version of the modern seers, supports and reinforces the act of stalking, harmonizing it with intent.

In fact, the Toltecs came to a very simple conclusion: the same mechanism can be exploited with exactly the opposite aim: move the assemblage point in order to attach it to new positions. This is nothing new. In many parts of the world people have realized the power of this technique. The problem is that, in most cases, they use this opportunity the same way the ancient seers did, which, at the end, does not really bring advantages compared to the ordinary mode.

So what did these ancient seers do?

What all human beings do, as soon as they are confronted with the awareness that they can use ritual acts as a tool to change their perceptional state: they believed that the effectiveness resided in the exterior form, rather than concentrate on the attention mode. So they shrouded this whole part of their acts with sanctity, secret, supernatural… with rituals, formulas, spells, power objects, magic symbols… Doesn’t this remind you of anything? There are still a lot of people that fall for it, but the power is not in the object, nor in the symbol, nor in the formulas: the power is in the attention mode. You are the perceiver and you don’t need anything else than your connection with intent.

The trap of the ritual is one of the most immediate and worst in which we can fall; it certainly does not lead to freedom, but in the opposite direction. We fill up with frills and unnecessary, harmful things. Instead of breaking chains, we build up much stronger ones, chains of a special alloy. Certainly, the intent, channeled by attention, is able to generate effective objects and symbols, but only if sustained by a being that connects to the predetermined intent. The ritual itself is not worth anything.

The new seers readopted the principle that underlies all this, but radically changed its practical application by stripping off any veil of sanctity whatsoever. Indeed, they even succeeded in creating humorous versions with the intention to refrain as much as possible from the ancient seers’ mode. In the book I explain quite detailed how to proceed to implement reiterative techniques, but I will briefly summarize the key points, which the new seers consider as being perfectly functional:

  • determine a specific intent
  • reiterate usual or unusual acts in a non-ordinary series
  • connect these acts to the previously determined intent
  • activate the intent

In practice, reiteration consists in the serial and cyclic repetition of non-ordinary actions, or of ordinary actions included in an uncommon context or in a non-ordinary series. These can be real, physical acts, that should be organized case-by-case, or even series of moods, alternations of inner silence, or all mixed together, but with a precise cyclicity. The cyclicity is important because it is what actually channels the attention. These action loops must be accompanied by an intensification of attention, aimed at a specific intent.

At the moment when the attention is perfectly channeled by the reiterative series, the series itself will be discontinued, interrupted suddenly, abandoning the cycle of repetitions. All the attention is freed, making available the connected energy. The ability at that very instant lies in evoking the intent, accompanying the energy flow with a voluntary change in our time mode.